I hope you haven’t forgotten that you are a beautiful soul who came here to be yourself FULLY. Remember that You matter. Your essence matters and the light you brought to this world matters. As you are reflecting on your past, the journey of last year, I hope you are harvesting the learning and you feel a nudge (or may be push) to no longer delay living your fullest life. I am realizing with greater acuity that I only have a certain number of years here on Earth. I have been taking greater...
2 months ago • 1 min read
Here in the US, we just got done with elections and we are heading towards the holidays: Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December. Although, holidays are meant to support us in slowing down and connecting with friends and family, they can also be stress-ful. If the thought of the holidays makes you feel unsettled, I invite you to set an intention to have an ease-ful and enjoyable time. This intention might be enough for you to carry you through. I used to get caught int the frenzy...
4 months ago • 1 min read
Years ago, the feeling of not belonging ignited my drive to search for my belonging. The journey, as it usually does, started by seeking a place out in the world that would feel like home. Although I thoroughly enjoyed traveling, after flying to multiple countries and feeling disappointed in my search, I realized that the answer I was seeking wasn’t “out there”. Later in life, I embarked on an inner journey and got closer to the roots of my “unbelonging”. As a culmination of my explorations,...
4 months ago • 1 min read
I recently posted two recordings of workshops on YouTube and wanted to let you know that they are available for viewing! I offered them initially through InsightTimer mindfulness app and felt like sharing it with more people. Here are the links to both of them: How to Transform Anxiety Into Inner Peace 3 Keys to Living a Stress Free Life Feel free to comment on the videos or share with me by responding to this message. If you applied the practices, I’d also love to hear how they landed for...
5 months ago • 1 min read
I used to be horrible at asking for support. I struggled with even knowing when I needed to reach out for support. Growing up as an immigrant taught me to be self reliant, especially since I knew that my parents already had a lot to deal with in a new country and I didn’t want to be a burden to them. And what is your relation to asking for support or receiving support? Does shame come? May be feelings of unworthiness? If you feel ready to receive support and if you are done moving through...
5 months ago • 1 min read
Just a few weeks ago, I was moving through a dark phase of life, as I was supporting a family member with navigating health challenges. IT WAS NOT EASY. I felt afraid of the unknown, my shadow parts were coming up, I was irrupted and at times I felt lonely. I realized more than ever how vital support it is to have support. I was leaning into external and inner resources BIG time. I am happy to say I am out of the woods and things are improving every day. Now, when it comes to you. When you...
6 months ago • 1 min read
One of the definitions of the word menstrual in Oxford English Dictionary is "the time during which a disease runs its course” This kind of language first appeared in19th-century medical books. If we go deeper than that, the actual definition of the word "menstrual" was directly derived from the Latin word menstrualis, which simply means “monthly”. On a personal level, my journey of uncovering the true meaning of my cycles took me years. I was introduced to my menstrual cycle when I was a...
6 months ago • 3 min read
Hi dear, Have you heard yourself say: “I am done with this.” Do you feel anxious and stressed? Do you toss and turn at night, knowing that you are capable of so much more, yet feeling like you are not living up to your fullest potential? Do you crave finally feeling a sense of relief from your challenges? Do you desire to be at peace with yourself? If yes, then, I invite you to lean in. I feel called to gather a circle of women. I want to support you on your healing journey, helping you feel...
7 months ago • 1 min read
I want to let you know that I’ll be hosting a LIVE on-line event tomorrow: “ 3 Keys To Living a Stress Free” Life. Come and join me! Date and time: Sunday, July 28th @ 11 am PST Go here on the date of the event: LINK Hope to see you there! Warmly, Gayane.
8 months ago • 1 min read